Hardnize – Umenichoka
Title: Umenichoka Artist: Hardnize Genre: Afro-pop “Umenichoka” is a song that beautifully captures the pain and introspection that come with...
Nandy – Sugar
Title: Sugar Artist: Nandy Genre: Afro-pop “Sugar” is a song that celebrates love and the sweet moments that come with...
Alikiba – Tunatamba Nae (Samia)
Alikiba, one of Africa’s most beloved artists, is back with a sensational new song titled “Tunatamba Nae (Samia).” This track...
Aic Tabata Choir – Adonai
AIC Tabata Choir brings together their vocal talents to deliver a song that is both moving and inspirational. “Adonai” is...
Gigy Money Ft Crimmy – Nalalaje
Gigy Money has teamed up with Crimmy to bring you an amazing track titled “Nalalaje“. Title: Nalalaje Artists: Gigy Money...
Dayna Nyange ft Mocco Genius – Nikupe
“Nikupe” is a standout track that showcases the incredible talents of Dayna Nyange and Mocco Genius. Title: Nikupe Artists: Dayna...
Msamiati – Alhamdullilah
The title “Alhamdulillah” is an Arabic phrase meaning “Praise be to God.” This song beautifully combines modern beats with traditional...
Maua Sama Ft Jay Melody – Nitampata Wapi
“Nitampata Wapi” is a soulful and melodic song by the talented Maua Sama, featuring the equally impressive Jay Melody. Don’t...
Mbosso – Kupenda
Mbosso, a talented artist from Tanzania, is known for his ability to blend traditional African sounds with modern music. His...
Shilole Ft Darassa – Rhumba
Shilole is a well-known Tanzanian artist famous for her dynamic performances and unique sound. In this collaboration, she teams up...
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Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 11:04 AM