Niniola – Komiyo
Title: Komiyo Artist: Niniola Genre: Afrobeat “Komiyo” is an exciting Afrobeat track that celebrates joy and life. Niniola’s distinctive voice...
Niniola – Want
Title: Want Artist: Niniola Genre: Afrobeat “Want” is an exciting Afrobeat track that explores the themes of desire and longing....
Niniola – Wami Ft. Akeem Adisa
Niniola’s latest track “Wami,” featuring the soulful voice of Akeem Adisa. This song is taking the airwaves by storm, captivating...
Niniola – Energy
Niniola, the Queen of Afro House, has released an exciting new track titled “Energy.” This song is packed with positive...
Niniola – Mr DJ Ft. Kah-Lo & OSKIDO
Niniola featuring Kah-Lo and OSKIDO is the song for you! The Queen of Afro House has teamed up with these...
Hayor P – Fefenefe Ft Bad Boy Timz
“Fefenefe” is a dynamic track that showcases the musical talent and creativity of Hayor P and Bad Boy Timz. Title:...
Stixx – Thobela ft Babalwa M
“Thobela” is a dynamic track that showcases the musical talent and creativity of Stixx and Babalwa M. Title: Thobela Artist:...
Niniola – Formula Ft. Pheelz
Niniola, the Queen of Afro House, has collaborated with the talented producer Pheelz to bring you an exciting new hit...
Niniola – Taste (Penu La) Ft. Magicsticks
Look no further because Niniola has just released a new hit single titled “Taste (Penu La)” featuring the talented producer...
Niniola – Sorry
The Queen of Afro House has once again delivered a beautiful and soulful track that is sure to resonate with...
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Thursday, January 23, 2025, 5:16 AM